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Award-Winning Drunk Driving Defense

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If the police recently arrested you for drunk driving, you are likely to be worried about going to jail, paying a large fine and losing your driver’s license. Mays Law Office, LLC, knows how important your future is. When you partner with our firm, you will work exclusively with our attorneys every step of the way. We are dedicated to obtaining the best outcome to your case, and we invest the necessary time and resources into achieving that result.

Our extensive track record of success has earned us the trust and respect of our colleagues and our clients. Madison Magazine named attorney Stephen Mays one of Madison’s Top Lawyers in drunk driving, an award voted on by his legal peers. He has also been named to the Wisconsin Super Lawyers list for DUI/DWI attorneys, an honor only the top 2 percent of attorneys in the state receive.

DUI/DWIs Can Be Defended

Some people believe that they simply cannot defend themselves against a DUI/DWI, impaired driving or another drunk driving criminal charge. The truth is, there are a number of factors that we evaluate to defend clients in Wisconsin, including:

  • The traffic stop: A police officer must have reasonable suspicion to pull you over. We review whether they had the necessary justification or whether law enforcement violated your constitutional rights.
  • Field sobriety test results: When officers do not properly explain a field sobriety test or conduct it in poorly lit conditions, or are simply not adequately trained, the results may not be valid. At Mays Law Office, LLC, we ourselves are trained in Standard Field Sobriety Tests just as the police. We can tell immediately if they’re doing them wrong.
  • Breathalyzer test results: Just because a breath test indicates a level over the legal limit to drive does not mean those results are accurate. User error and unreliable, inaccurate results can all produce a false positive.

Our attorneys analyze every piece of evidence in your case to strengthen your defense. In fact, our attorneys have created defenses to drunk driving and have litigated these defenses in the Wisconsin Court of Appeals and Wisconsin Supreme Court. This diligent approach to drunk driving cases often allows us to reduce your charges or to have your case dismissed altogether.

Visit our DUI/DWI FAQs page to learn more.

Do Not Face A DUI/DWI Alone

The sooner you begin working with a competent defense attorney, the more likely you are to be able to effectively combat these charges. When you meet with one of our lawyers, we immediately begin working on creating your defense strategy.

Contact us today to schedule an initial case review online or by calling 608-535-4719. We serve Madison and surrounding communities.