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Do longer shifts lead to more warehouse injuries?

On Behalf of | Feb 18, 2021 | workers' compensation

These days, consumers are relying on e-commerce more than ever, and this means that demands on you and other warehouse workers are increasing as a result. To keep up with consumer demand, one well-known warehouse employer has begun mandating that its employees work what they call “megacycle” shifts.

Per Vice, megacycle shifts involve warehouse workers performing hard manual labor for up to 10 hours at a time during the graveyard shift. Graveyard shift workers already face high injury risks, but working long hours during the nighttime may exacerbate them even further.

Health risks associated with long shifts

While the full effects of warehouse workers transitioning to megacycle schedules are not yet known, evidence suggests that you do face higher injury risks when you work long shifts, and particularly if you do so at night. Lifting-related injuries are of serious concern. So, too, are injuries caused by repetitive stress or overexertion.

You may also experience exhaustion and fatigue when performing manual labor hour after hour, and these factors, too, increase warehouse injury risks. Some warehouse workers also cite the fact that their employers are encouraging them to work faster, even when doing so creates injury risks.

Retaliation concerns

Many warehouse workers report that they are fearful of speaking out about dangerous warehouse practices and procedures because they fear they may face retaliation or termination. Many warehouse employees forced to work megacycle shifts also noted that if they refused to take on these shifts, they would lose their jobs.

You have a right to a safe work environment. You also have a right to call attention to it when an employer’s actions or negligence threaten yours. There are protections in place that allow for you to do so without fearing retaliation afterward.