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Governor Evers plans to grant pardons

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2019 | Uncategorized

Those convicted of felonies in Wisconsin may get their crimes forgiven under Wisconsin’s new governor. According to WKOW 27, Governor Tony Evers states that he will grant pardons while in office.

Walker granted no pardons

This marks a change in policy from former Governor Scott Walker. Walker refused to consider pardoning anyone because he believed the criminal justice system provided the best outcome for those with criminal convictions. He also did not bother filling the spots on the pardon advisory board.

Pardon board makes recommendations to the governor

Pardon 411 states the pardon advisory board is made up of seven members who are appointed by the governor. The board reviews each pardon request and then makes a recommendation to the governor.

Pardons are usually only granted to felons

In Wisconsin, people convicted of felonies are usually only granted pardons. Individuals may apply for a pardon five years after completing their sentence, which may include probation and parole. People with misdemeanor convictions are generally not eligible. Typically, people who are on probation, in jail or on parole also cannot apply for a pardon. However, if there are extraordinary circumstances, the governor or board may make an exception.

Some believe Dassey from Making a Murderer may be eligible

Some experts suggest that Brendan Dassey may be eligible for a pardon. Dassey appeared in the Netflix series Making a Murderer and claimed he was innocent. He has spent more than ten years in prison for allegedly killing photographer Teresa Halbach.

People who are pardoned are forgiven for the crime they committed, though their record is not sealed or expunged. The rights lost when convicted of a felony are also restored. These rights include voting, serving as a juror, holding public office, possessing a gun and getting certain types of professional licenses, like a teacher’s license.

Evers has not stated when the pardon board will be filled, and Wisconsinites can start applying.